I Have Room for Just One More Thing

You do remember, of course, the basic rules of math that began roughly in the first grade: If your answer (in this case, an amount of time) remains the same, then in order to add something (a new activity), you must subtract something else. Right? You are only awake for eighteen or nineteen hours per day. You have to take a shower and brush your teeth (if your plans include the presence of other people). You must eat, drink, and pee. Many of us must fit an eight (or more) hour work day in there. What’s left? Hmm. Somewhere in the range of eight hours, I think. What will you do with your eight hours?

I’ve talked, at length, about finding your passion and allocating time for it. No matter what. Who knew, however, that we could be passionate about so many things? My kids, while demanding, are also a whole bucket of fun. Writing still invigorates me like the first intake of air on a crisp winter morning. Conversations with my husband often lead me to giggle like I’m thirteen again. Also, I have to nurture my body for as long as I have it, so there’s that fitness thing again and healthy eating. I also like to learn new things, and even though it’s taken me fifteen years to do it, I’ve joined the legions in our nation’s virtual classrooms, headed for a graduate degree.

Alas, have mercy already! There were only eight waking hours left. Per day. And I’ve gone and given most of them, for at least a year, to a Master’s program! So back to basic math: To add, I must take away. I shall not take away from you if you read this blog because I still have so much to share about making time. (Plus, I’m bound to have some epiphanies along this path!) I shall try mightily not to take away from my family. I shall try to keep following my own advice.

I will be taking a year-long hiatus from novel-writing (there’s that pesky subtraction), but I can share the happy news that my latest title is finally available for sale in the meantime. It’s called “The Son I Seek” and you can order it online or through your local bookseller. Here’s a copy of the promotional bookmark:

I’ll get an excerpt up here as soon as I can so you get a small glimpse of poignant romance slashed right in the gut by a rude set of twists (my favorite thing to do to the unsuspecting reader!)

For tonight, I shall close the laptop and force my eyes to shut so I can get up early and exercise. Until next time, keep stealing moments to pursue the things you love the most so that you can inspire the rest of us.

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